where can you find what? weblinks of organisations and clubs in the conservation world. Useful adresses for further investigation. Reconnoitre the world from the lowlands:
1 associations and organisations
conservation associations come in 2,5 variations: associations that are clearly syndicative in nature and those that have a professional approach. Some combine these two aspects and represent the interests of conservators as well as organise specialty groups. Syndicative organisations tend to be focussed nationally and the professional organisations have a more international outlook. The Netherlands’ organisation is called Restauratoren Nederland (RN). RN has a number of specialist sections with a separate membership.
American Institute for Conservation AIC code of ethics and guidelines for practice AIC commentaries to the guidelinesBNB
Belgisch-Nederlands BoekbandengenootschapCCAHA
Conservation Center for Art & Historic ArtifactsCCI
Canadian Conservation InstituteECCO
European Confederation of Conservator-restorers’ Organisations ECCO professional guidelines I ECCO professional guidelines II ECCO professional guidelines IIIECPA
European Commission on Preservation and AccessIADA
Internationale Arbeitsgemeinschaft Deutscher ArchivrestauratorenICOM
International Council of MuseumsICOM-CC
ICOM - Committee for ConservationICOM-NL
ICOM NederlandICON
Institute of Conservation ICON professional standardsIIC
International Institute for ConservationRN
Restauratoren NederlandRR
Restauratoren RegisterUNESCO
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization2 libraries
BC (UvA special collections)
Bijzondere Collecties Chantry
Chantry Library (ICON) library of the now merged with ICON Institute for Paper Conservation (IPC)
JStor: databases, download of articles
Koninklijke Bibliotheek (Royal Library of the Netherlands)
Picarta combined catalogue of all libraries in NL
catalogue of the RCE library
Universiteitsbibliotheek Amsterdam (UBA University of Amsterdam library)
Worldcat almost all books in the world catalogued (better than Picarta, largest catalogue)
3 literature research and thesauri
Abstracts of Art and TechnologyArchive.org
Archive.org: older books digitised, you can also use Open library to search in the catalogue. Many books are downloadable.
ArtLex art dictionaryBCIN
Bibliographic database of the Conservation Information NetworkCAMEO
Conservation and Art Materials Encyclopedia OnlineDepatis
Depatis: search for patents (not only Germany): log in as „einsteiger’ (beginner)
Gallica: website of the french Bibliothèque National, search older french literature, alsmost everything dowloadable as PDF
ICOM preprints: download preprints from the Lisbon 2011, Melbourne 2014 and Kopenhagen 2017 congress
INPI: 19th century French patents (you cannot find these on Depatis)
Polytechnisches Journals
Digitalisierung des Polytechnischen Journals: all copies of Dingler’s Polytechnischen Journals (1820-1931)
Royal Society of the Arts
RSA: all Transactions of the Society, Instituted at London, for the Encouragement of Arts, Manufactures, and Commerce (1783-1843), the Journal of the Society of Arts (1852-1908), the Journal of the Royal Society of the Arts (1908-1987), RSA Journal (1987-2011)
4 magazines and blogs
tijdschrift voor boek en prentBook and Paper annual
AIC Book and Paper group, almost everything digitised
the Book and Paper Gathering
blogs and case studies for the book and paper conservationBook Arts Web
bookbinding, book conservation and restorationBookbinder
journal of the English Society of Bookbinders
British Library
collection care blogJournal of PaperConservation
journal of the International Association of Book and Paper Conservators (IADA), formerly PapierRestaurierung,
Paper Conservator
journal formerly Institute of Paper Conservation (IPC) now Institute for Conservation (ICON)
Journal Devoted to Manuscripts and Printed BooksRestaurator
International Journal for the Preservation of Library and Archival Material
Skin Deep
Hewit’s free newsletter (leather and parchment, tools)
free journal of Conservation by Design
journal of the Nederlandse Handboekbindersliga (Netherlands bookbinders association)
Nicholas Pickwoad (Ligatus)
Pickwoad blogpaperslurry: a mixture of hand papermaking
paperslurry5 bibliographical software
Bibliographical software organises articles and books. They make organising citations and links in your computer easy. A modern cloud solution is Zotero, a plug in for the Firefox webbrowser. Zotero is free and has almost the same possibilities as the other software.
BiblioscapBookends (Mac)
Endnote (standard at UBA)
RefWorksSente (Mac)
Zotero6 looking for books and buying them
Abe BooksAmazon
Amazon > books
Antiqbook: all NL antiquarians
Archetype publications: publishers and their books for sale online
Siegl Fachbuchhandlung (buy now, pay on receipt, if not good send back)
Boekwinkeltjes (dutch site for buying and selling books)
Zentrales Verzeichnis Antiquarischer Bücher7 research institutes and organisations
Association for Information and Image Management AIIM scanning and captureANSI
American National Standards InstituteASHREA
American Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air-conditioning EngineersASTM
American Society for Testing and MaterialsCRCC
Centre de Recherche sur la Conservation des CollectionsGCI
Getty Conservation InstituteICCROM
International Centre for the Study of the Preservation and Conservation of Cultural PropertyISO
International Organization for StandardizationKIK/IRPA
Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium - Institut Royal du Patrimoine Artistique
National Institute of Standards and TechnologyRCE
Rijksdienst voor Cultureel ErfgoedRKD
Rijksdienst voor Kunsthistorische DocumentatieTAPPI
Technical Association of the Pulp and Paper IndustryTNO
Nederlandse organisatie voor Toegepast Natuurwetenschappelijk Onderzoek8 material and technique information
graphics atlas
Graphics AtlasCATS: interdisciplinary research into artists’ materials and techniques
CATSKhartasia: Asian paper, manufacture, compostion etc.
Khartasiaoriental papermaking fibres
Oriental Papermaking Fibresart lexicon
ArtLexCAMEO: Conservation & Art Materials Encyclopedia Online
CAMEOEinbanddatenbank von Bucheinbänden des 15. und 16. Jahrhunderts, Staatsbibliothek zu Berlin
University of the Arts, Londonprofessor Martin Hubbe’s encyclopedia on papermaking additives
Mini-Encyclopedia of Papermaking Wet-End Chemistry9 paper historical associations and the history of paper and paper preservation/conservation
International Association of Paper HistoriansBAPH
British Association of Paper HistoriansSPRH
Stichting Papiergeschiedenis Renkum-Heelsumpreservation history
http://preservationhistory.wikispaces.com/10 watermark research
Briquet is the first large collection of watermarks. The swiss Charles-Moïse Briquet described plus minus 16.000 watermarks.
Gerhard Piccard large collection of watermarks in Neurenberg.
the memory of paper: digital watermark database. Good start, many links.
Watermarks in Incunabula printed in the Low CountriesAPWGM
Archive of Papers and Watermarks in Greek ManuscriptsWZMA
Wasserzeichen des Mittelalters11 courses, places where you can learn in and around Amsterdam (or elsewhere)
Grafisch Werkcentrum Amsterdam
GWA is a centre that organises courses in printing and typesetting with their collection of type, wooden letters and printing presses (including “Grote Willem” a historical paper glazing press come intaglio press) or where you can work on your own.
course in bookbinding Wilma van Driel, Leiden
boekbinderij Papyruscourse in bookbinding Judith van Daal, Dodewaard
Judith van Daalcourse in bookbinding Art & Design college, Utrecht
ADCPapiermolen ‘de Schoolmeester’
the Schoolmeester is the only papermill in the world that is also a windmill! see how the Dutch gained their lead in 17th and 18th century papermaking
courses in bookbinding in Switserland
Ascona12 CoOL and the ConsDist List
Conservation On Line (CoOL) is one of the oldest websites in the world. Because libraries and universities where very early on granted acces to the ARPA-net (the military based predecessor of what we now know as the internet) many library and university sites are amongst the oldest websites and web applications. CoOl is a receptacle for everything conservation and restoration. Because of it’s history the accent is somewhat biassed versus libraries and archives but in fact most aspects of the conservation profession can be found here. CoOL’s webaddress is:
An important initiative of CoOL is it’s mailing list (the ConsDistList) that represents the whole field of conservation. This is the place to ask questions and getting answers. The mailing lists exists since 1987. Announcements for congresses, vacancies and internships are made continiously. At 2014-09-07 10.087 people subscribed to the ConsDistList.
„Participating in the Conservation DistList
If you are professionally involved with the conservation of museum, archive, or library materials, please consider participating in the Conservation DistList. An interdisciplinary forum, the DistList is open to conservators, conservation scientists, curators, librarians, archivist, administrators, and others whose work life touches on the preservation of cultural property. In addition, if you are a student in museum, library, or archive program, or considering conservation as a career, you may find the DistList an interesting introduction to the work of our field(s).
Partcipants are asked to fill out a brief questionnaire, in order to be included in the ConsDir. To receive the questionnaire and sign on to the DistList, send a one line note:
„subscribe consdist YourFirstName YourLastName” to: request
Become a member of ICOM-Nederland and visit all real museums for free: www.icomnederland.nl